This show sounded okay but had to build in momentum to get to a point of respectability. Minutes before my 10 PM start time, I realized that the adapter for my Mac Book Pro Laptop was missing from my gear, mistakenly left behind at my Scarborough office. The adventures started there, as I hunted to find a replacement adapter without having to trek all the way to Scarborough. I ended up leaving a friend, meeting another friend, who took me to her friend, who had her male friend put the adapter in my hands, finally. Ironically, this person turned out to be an old friend of my, Culture-Ites aka Waynie Culture of Concert Hall days. Small world, eh. My show’s first 45 minutes featured music from my ReggaeManiaRadio online station, but I was live after that. Enjoy the Podcast.
P.S. Find our ReggaeMania Radio Podcasts on iTunes – Just type ‘ReggaeMania Radio’ into their search bar.
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