Sniper Sound represented on Sound System Fridays last Friday night with DJ Bigga Boss at the helm. The remaining members of the crew were off promoting their “Fine Juggling” event for the following weekend. Bigga arrived an hour late, but, played for two hours straight. I liked the vibes he sent out. This Sound got beat up ‘musically’ in their last two clashes, Bigga said, “no more”! Perhaps that was the inspiration behind his playing that night – he dropped some amazing dubs, not to mention, his execution was flawless. With just Bigga and myself in the ReggaeMania studio, it seemed a little strange – I missed the fanfare and guest artistes. Not much to review here, download and enjoy the sounds of Sniper Sound!
P.S. You can now find these Podcasts on iTunes – Just type ‘ReggaeMania Radio’ into their search bar.
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