Sample King Promo . YV . Purchaser Promo and Presents:
Friday May 1/2015
Classic Lounge
30 Beverly Hills Dr. (off Jane, 1 light S. of Wilson)
Live in Concert from Jamaica
This Hottest Artist in Dancehall — 1st Time in Canada!
Gully Bop
“From The Gully To The Money”
also featuring
Sample King
Music by:
Supa Loaded
Fire Kid Steenie
Purple City
Nitro Da CD SOund
Hosted by DJ Wiz
$25 Earlybird Tickets:
$30 Advance
Ticket Outlets:
Hairplay 416.782.6930
Just Supereme 416.246.9655
Lloyds 1 Hr Photo 416.749.0433
Caribbean Queen 416.746.8169
Class One 416.208.0292
2 Lined 416.264.3999
Gramps 416.265.7373
Grannys 905.272.4950
Gems 905.453.6454
Jamaica House 905.460.0651
Nicey’s 905.450.6045
info: 647.712.0965 | 647.208.3050
Live in Concert From Jamaica
Saturday May 2/2015
Oshawa Music Hall
39 King St. E., Oshawa
Sample King Promo YV Purchase Promo
Gully Bop
also starring
Sample King
Grizzly Cat
Rippa Champanore
music by:
Suppa Natty
DJ Griff
Spex Da Boss
Info & Booth Specials:
647.712.0965 . 647.208.3050
Ticket Drop Off: 416.316.1799
Earlybird Tickets: $25
Regular Advance Tickets: $35
Ticket Outlets:
Class One Records . 416.208.0292
2 Lines Music . 416.264.3999
Urban Fashions 905.434.8774
Hot N Groovy 905 217.0030
Custom Cutz Oshawa
Coconut Grove City Patties 289.251.7289
Rotilicious 905.686.8070
Reflections Auto Detailing 416.316.1759
O’Cuts Master Barbers
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