
What happens when a Jamaican marries an African without telling their families first? You get Kofi & Kimesha’s Wedding…When coming to America Meets Shottas!!!

What happens when a Jamaican marries an African without telling their families first? You get Kofi & Kimesha’s Wedding…When coming to America Meets Shottas!!!
You are Cordially Invited To….
Kofi & Kimesha’s Wedding
A Comedy Dinner Theatre Filled with Fun Food Entertainment & Laughter
2 Shows:
Friday June 16/2017
7:00 PM Coktails | 8:00 PM Reception
Saturday June 17/2017
6:00 PM Cocktails | 7:00 PM Reception
all happening at:
The Vue
195 Galaxy Blvd.
Starring a Celebrity Cast:
Rochelle Clarke | MC Ebone | Jay Martin | Trix | Arthur Siimeon | Jean Paul | Patricia Shirley | Zazu Oke
Tickets (Pre-Gift): $60 (includes Appetizers | 3-Course Meal & An Evening Full of Music & Entertainment)
info: 647.828.8674 | www.kofiandkimeshaswedding.com
Available at Ticketgateway.com | RSVP Home
Enjoy this Unique Interactive Show & Dance Like Nothing You’ve Ever Experienced!!!
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