We invite you to share in our joy and
Join us on this nostalgic musical Journey when
Apto & Funsquad event Presents
World a dance edition
Saturday Nov 4 2023
Time 8 pm 2 am
Music by #WhenDanceDidNice family
The juggling king @djtyroneking
The most versatile @flatline4ever
The blk perfection @blackreactionsound
With very special GUEST Mr Soca or die
DrJay @socaprince
Hosted by
the voice of the vibes @kidkut
Pre sold tickets $40 | Link in bio to purchase tickets
Table / booths / pre orders
Reservation Info 6474086779
Brought to you by
#FunSquadEvents and #AptoEnt
@funsquadevents__ @aptoent
#Wddn #IamGoingToWhenDanceDidNice #WelcomeToWhenDanceDidNice #Funsquad #apto
#80s #90s #2000s #Fun
#wddn #ariesXplosion #upnext
Ticket Outlets:
#Toronto : @justsupreme
1836 Weston road (416) 246-9655
50A Rexdale blvd 416 887 6760
#Brampton : @gemsmeat
30 Kennedy Rd S (905) 457-2378
@shinebarbers & hair salon
50 Sunnyvale Gate (905) 790-3031
#Scarborough @2linedmusichut
10 Milner Business Court
(Markham Rd & 401) 647.208.0766
#Mississauga @FreddiesKitchen
2515 Hurontario st (905 585 3733)
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