Last Saturday October 20th @ Masonic Hall (Mississauga), the 9th Annual 45 Sound Clash took place. Five Sounds were competing – King Judah Vs VIP Sound Vs Pure Harmony Vs Cummtraxx Vs Majestic Vybz. After the departure of Pure Harmony and Cummtraxx, the next sound to be eliminated (at the end of round three and by a close vote) was VIP. The clash vibe up to this point was noicee, setting the stage for a ‘chune fi chune’ trophy round featuring King Judah Vs. Majestic Vybz.
Unfortunately, clash fans never got to see the ‘chune fi chune’ round take place. A fan of VIP sound, upset that his Sound didn’t advance went off the rails – at the peak of his rage, he grabbed the trophy and smashed it prompting audience members to start exiting the venue. The vibe was lost so the promoters ended the clash and declared a ‘draw’ between King Judah and Majestic Vybz.
The DVD is much anticipated and should tell the rest of the story!
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