Lexus Superior brought it last night! A great show with lots of great dubs (no 45’s!) and live performances. Big Up D’Eazy and WEB, selectors of Lexus Superior as well as the artists that performed – Guchi Automatik, Melo and Sherene “Weh Sweet” Bromfield (plus Super Fresh’s own – Prophet)!
Lexus Sound, born in 1998 out of Washington, DC – a sound built for war. D’Eazy lives here now, but, the sound still plays in the DC area. In Toronto, Lexus Superior can be seen playing alongside Super Fresh on the reg. and they have also participated in past clashes, some put on by Ron Nelson Productions. D’Eazy – still young and enthusiastic, demonstrated by his confidence during the show. This is why his sound is taken seriously in the sound clash arenas. Their collection of dubs – well chosen and crafted! For a sound that only started in ’98, their box is ‘deeper’ than the average (fifteen year old) sound box. D’Eazy’s MC voice is quite commanding, yet fierce – very clear and he’s entertaining as… Listening to this Sound, one gets the feeling that they’ll be around for a long time – enough to do some serious damage in the future. Listen to the Podcast, you’ll understand what I am talking about!
Big Up all the artists who performed! The talented Guchi Automatik (still a bit shy) is full of lyrics and will be better when his confidence grows and he starts looking in the camera and into the eyes of his audience when he performs. Melo’s experience showed and he was lyrically ON all evening never skipping a lyric or beat. I’m not sure of his background, but, I could tell he goes right back to the old skool days where men like Richie Lu and Kid Foreigna were throwing lyrics. I did criticize Melo for his excessive gunman lyrics, but, he dealt with it maturely. Before the end of the show, he did drop some versatile lyrics.
Sherene “Weh Sweet” Bromfield, what can I say about her? She’s so young and beautiful! A go getter and hungry to deliver the goods in this industry. Her singing was aight, I’ve heard a lot of singers in my time and I will go on record as saying…she still has some work to do – vocal wise. She really needs to hone her skills – perhaps taking vocal lessons and/or seeking out a mentor to help her out. Once that happens, she’ll feel more confident and soar. I admit, Sheren’s performance was too wild and at times, very off key. I’m not saying she sounded like crap, just that she didn’t live up to the hype on this show. I’m sure in a year or two, she’ll be a force to be reckoned with!
So, overall, a good show! Lots of people tuned in! Big Up all of the people that participated in our LIVE chat room! Things got heated! That goes along with the territory (sound clash mentality), some of them are just plain miserable. So yah, if you ever plan on listening and/or watching Sound System Fridays on, jus’ check the chat room to the right, you’ll see (LOL). We also did our first ever phone interview during Sound System Fridays with an artist from Jamaica, it was a little hard for him to hear D’Eazy clearly at the beginning, but, we got that straightened out.
Next week, we welcome Klymaxx Sound. Enjoy the Podcast – the audio is a 4 hour and 15 minute experience! The video has been provided for you too in two parts – enjoy!
See Part 01
See Part 02
P.S. You can now find these Podcasts on iTunes – Just type ‘ReggaeMania Radio’ into their search bar.
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