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Enjoy this Video of GTA Cup Clash Champions Edition, Saturday November 4th @ Topaz featuring past champions Bassline vs. Royalty vs. Majestic Vybz vs. Zone Warrior. There is about 1 hour of Video footage to see here, although listening to some of it might prove irritating due to the continuous horn-blowing by fans and hecklers during the event. And not to spoil the surprise, but there would be no winner of the 2017 GTA Cup Clash, as clash fans scurried out of the venue more worried about their own personal safety than playing their part in determining who would reign as champion of the night.
On this night, the Toronto Sound Clash scene would take two steps back, because before Bassline and Majestic Vybez began their one-on-one Round (Royalty had just been voted out), the dance got shot up (and everybody knew who did it – literally), an idiot move the style of which Toronto’s Sound Clash scene has not seen since the 90’s!
Toronto’s Sound Clash scene now faces an unclear future, because when shots happen in a clash, there’s nothing that anyone can do or say to ‘fix’ the problem – people get scared and withdraw from attending future clashes no matter where in Toronto they are held, until time goes by and the scene calms itself down. Until then, everybody loses, the Sounds, the promoters, the Venues such as Topaz willing to host our clashes, not to mention the fans, the list goes on.
Newbie (Rebel Tone) said it best that night as we gathered inside the club and listened to more gun shots that were now being fired outside in the parking lot. His statement, said in disbelief, “Ron – I worked too hard for this”. I’m still shaking my head, and I am hoping that leaders step up to the plate and take ownership of this situation so that Toronto can once again become a safe place to keep Sound Clash. All eyes are on the T-Dot now, but not in they way we had expected.
Pics by Lisa West | Video by Ron Nelson
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